Friday, February 20, 2015


Apparently people believe everything they see and hear in the traditional media.

So when the leading news anchor of today, for whatever reason, reports something other than the truth, it matters. The Brian Williams saga has captured public interest since he admitted overstating the truth about his covering a war story from an Army helicopter.

Now that far more than one episode has been exposed, the fallout is affecting not only the anchor, but a major television news network, journalism across the board and the whole concept of preserving our democracy through freedom of the press.

But wait just a minute! Do we ignore good advice like "Don't believe everything you hear" and "Check it out." Must we blindly absorb everything we hear on the boob tube?

Most of us carry around a small device with which we can access almost the entirety of the world's knowledge. Whether breaking news or historical events, we have access to it all.

So instead of watching a reporter doing his thing that may include shameful self-promotion, we can pick up the smart phone or the tablet or the laptop. By hitting the search box with a question or two, we can watch the documented data as it spreads out before us.

Then with knowledge and understanding acquired on our own, we won't be misinformed by anyone. Now we have the power to discover the truth and decide for ourselves. We should use it. 

Daily Quote:

If we ever forget that we're One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. ~ Ronald Reagan

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