Shadows of the Comanche

Shadows of the Comanche is Pat Capps Mehaffey's latest book.

The McGregor family, homesteading land on the Texas frontier, faced perils from man, animals and the weather. An escaped jailbird called Skeeter attacks Jane. Jane fights tooth and nail but is losing the battle when Mama shows up with her shotgun and fires both barrels. A tornado hits the ranch, lifting off the barn roof but sparing the house and residents. Jane wards off a rabid coyote by throwing rocks at it and climbing a tree. The McGregors must fight a grass fire approaching their home. After long hours of fighting fire, they rejoice to find their house still standing. Maggie McGregor, wife of Allen, experiences a difficult child birth causing deep grief and sorrow to the entire community. Through it all, Jane must deal with her strange gift of “second sight” inherited from her grandmother, which causes her to “see” and communicate with shadows or spirits of long-dead Comanche who possessed the land many years ago. Jane falls in love with Jim Morgan who helps her understand and accept her super-natural powers. Together they plan a future shared with the Shadows of the Comanche.

Available on the Amazon Kindle.