Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Our great-grandson from Houston recently came for a several-day visit. When we can again walk normally and speak coherently, I'm sure we will have fond memories of revisiting the joys of having a baby in the house.

Aidan, age 15 months, is a world-class walker and an accomplished climber. He requires 3 meals and 4 snacks daily to maintain his preferred level of activity.  Knowing all this, I prepared for his visit with a giant, economy bottle of multi-vitamins and a case of energy drinks.

One complication is that we cannot speak his language. He says the same words repeatedly and uses emphatic gestures and facial expressions. We still don't get it. After several minutes of deep concentration and profuse sweating, we finally understand and rush to obey. However, by that time, his focus has shifted and he bombards us with a new encoded message.

Aidan enjoys playing with Nannah's toys. He carefully examines each one searching for a button to push or a lever to mash. He turns the toy over and over as he checks every seam and part. He seems to be trying to learn how it is made. He loves books and always selects the same three for me to read. He stays in my lap for all three books - only if he is allowed to turn the pages.

He is not rough or destructive - never bangs toys together, doesn't throw them or hit them on the floor. His play-time seems to be a very serious learning experience.

He takes a two-hour nap every day and sleeps 10-12 straight hours each night.  We used that down time to fortify ourselves with the vitamins and sports drinks.

Aidan doesn't like to wear shoes. We were not surprised that his new, big-boy shoes could not be found when the visit ended.

For days we will reminisce about his every cute action. And we look forward to a longer visit this summer when his sister-baby arrives. Our sincere  hope is that he is speaking Texan by that time, or that we are able to decipher his special language.

How we love and cherish that delightful little boy!!

Daily Quote:

Socialism is great until you run out of other people's money. ~ Margaret Thatcher

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