Friday, February 13, 2015


For many years, I dreamed of owning a Fiat - a white one with red upholstery.

The Fiat's compact size always appealed to me as did the conveniently placed dashboard instruments. Speed was also a factor. The gas pedal responded to a slight push with instant acceleration and the hum of the engine spoke to my heart.

Now in the winter of my life, I accept the fact that I will never own a Fiat. I no longer want one. I'm totally content with the calm dependability of my ten-year-old Honda Accord.

A dream from childhood was to pilot a plane. I visualized myself at the controls of a sporty little Cessna soaring high above the mundane ties of Earth. Now I carefully plan my trips to the gym, grocery store and beauty salon to avoid rush hour and the opening and closing of schools.

As a young wife and mother, I purchased a Julia Child cookbook determined to master escargot, soufflĂ© and quiche. Today, I'm thankful for the opportunity to purchase a rotisserie chicken at the marketI also pick up a loaf of pre-sliced garlic bread and a cellophane bag of washed, ready-cut vegetables for a salad.

 I recognize and embrace a changed perspective. Now I value easy convenience and labor-saving short-cuts. I find that I enjoy a life of no sweat, no strain, go-with-the-flow daily living.

Quote for the day:

A party without cake is just a meeting. ~ Julia Child

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