Thursday, November 14, 2013

Human Life

I’m passionate about several issues. Among them are Texas, education and the right to life. Many of today’s “enlightened women” have an emotional, tenacious commitment to the availability of abortion. I believe one reason for this attitude is that some women have been brainwashed to believe that what is growing in their womb is not human life.

Yet science tells us that human life begins at the time of conception. From the moment fertilization occurs, the child’s genetic makeup is complete. Its gender, its height, hair and skin color are already determined. The only thing the embryo needs to become a full functioning being is the time to grow and develop.

Recently at a political rally, a young woman said, “It’s my right to have an abortion if I do not want a baby. I should have control of my own body.” Who speaks for the baby – for its rights? Of course, in drastic situations abortion is advisable. If the pregnancy directly threatens the life of the mother, the physician may recommend aborting the fetus. The same is true if a proven defect will prevent survival of the child. If the pregnancy is a result of rape, the mother and her family must make a difficult decision.

Scientists tell us that human embryos are human organisms, living individuals of the human race at the earliest developmental state. Development facts include:

  • Eighteen days – a baby’s heart begins to beat
  • Forty-three days – brain coordinates movement
  • Seven weeks – a baby can hiccup
  • Eight weeks – organs can function
  • Nine weeks – baby has permanent fingerprints

Regardless of the biological maturity of the fetus, it is a member of the human species. And with that comes an inherent dignity and right to life.

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