Monday, November 4, 2013

Compete Globally

In 1865, Horace Greenley, writing for the New York Tribune, said, “Go West, young man, go West and grow up with the country.”

Living in 2013, Greenley would say, “Go West, young man, and East and South and North around the world and become a global contender.”

Modern educators are urging parents to teach their children a foreign language – or two or three. Then send them to college abroad to perfect the language and understand the cultural diversity. Some corporate executives are recommending two years of service in the Peace Corps in a foreign land prior to employment.

A few years ago, there was a push to learn Russian. Today someone fluent in Chinese has special marketable skills.

For our economy to experience long-term growth, our young people need to learn other languages and to develop sensitivity to various ways of life.

The world is your oyster – find the pearl.

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