Friday, November 15, 2013

A Super Duper Garden Design

My husband loves his birthday gift. It is an agricultural marvel.

Our children and grands pooled their resources and purchased a VegTrug for him. This structure, installed in the backyard, allows him to conduct the entire gardening experience with comfort and efficiency.

It arrived with a book of instructions and 200# of organic garden soil. After assembly it measures 30” high, 30” wide and 72” long and has six sturdy, plastic-capped legs. Absolutely no bending, stooping, kneeling or sitting on the ground is required from sowing the seeds through harvesting the produce. Side benefits are the up close and personal view of the tiny green sprouts emerging from the rich, black dirt and the satisfaction of providing fresh, healthy vegetables with almost no effort for the family to enjoy. Every chore, including weeding, can be done at waist level. Its greenhouse frame and cover insure protection for seedlings and delicate plants. The design is perfect for gardeners with artificial knees and chronic back pain.

The delivery truck arrived on a Friday and the VegTrug was ready to receive plants before nightfall. Saturday morning found us on a quest for purple-top turnip and cabbage seeds. I have no intention of actually eating a turnip, but my husband said they grow well in winter, and he wanted something that will grow now. Hopefully, I’ll acquire a taste for turnips. A systemic search of every feed and seed store, as well as all garden centers, proved that no turnip or cabbage seeds were available in our area. We then turned to the internet and found seeds in North Carolina.

Today the seeds are in the ground at the proper depth and are receiving adequate water and sunshine for germination. They are assured of tender, loving care and constant supervision.

The VegTrug is truly the gift that keeps on giving.

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