Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Come to Texas!

If you own a business – small, medium or large – consider moving it to Texas. 

Since 2000, some 5.2 million people voted with their feet by moving to Texas. – Gov. Rick Perry

Perry also says a combination of low taxes and moderate regulation has created the environment that allowed 1.6 million jobs to be created while he has been in office. But we need more jobs and more workers. All those people must have goods and services. Every Texan can attest to the massive population explosion. We are building additional roads and freeways as fast as we can. Our just-completed schools are too small. Temporary class rooms sit on their playgrounds. A Texas town I considered moderate-sized now has sixteen high schools.

We’ve lived in North Central Texas for six years and have seen no indication of a recession. Residential and commercial construction (especially medically related) has continued unabated. Streets, highways and loops have mushroomed at all entrances to our town. We now have three shopping malls where none existed ten years ago.

Parts of Texas have not one home for lease or purchase. If you want to live in the Permian Basin of West Texas, your only choice is to get on a contractor’s list to build a dwelling. The arrival of every type of oil and gas recovery operation has caused a giant boom.

Your business would be in good company in Texas. Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control, known as “the other Lockheed” to distinguish it from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, is making its mark by taping global markets for armored cars, robots and missiles. Old Timers say it is “blowin’ and goin’”.
All across the state, progressive banks are installing high-tech ATMs that do much more than dispense cash. The machines will accept deposits of up to 50 checks at a time and issue receipts, allow transfer of funds between accounts and give you cash in denominations according to your needs. Skilled employees are necessary for their installation and accurate function.

If your business offers special skills and training, we NEED you: Especially if your expertise is water or trash. We have a shortage of the former and an overabundance of the later.

So come to Texas. Work hard and you will prosper – so will Texas.

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