Saturday, September 21, 2013

Made in America

Continuing the principles of founder Sam Walton, Walmart Inc. hosted a two-day conference urging retailers, suppliers and government officials to commit to increasing manufacturing jobs in America. The event attracted representatives from 500 manufacturers, eight governors, Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker and officials from 36 states. All of them expressed interest in creating more jobs in the USA.

The movement could help stem the tide of jobs flowing to China and elsewhere that occurred over the last two decades. But the real impetus is pure economics: Labor costs are rising in Asia, and oil and transportation costs are high and unpredictable.

Let’s all vow to help Wally World put more Americans to work. All together now:

We pledge to check every label for the country of origin. If it doesn’t say “made in America,” we’ll put it back on the shelf.

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