Monday, September 23, 2013

Above the Law

The headline Congress Gets Insurance Deal aroused my interest. The rest of the article aroused my resentment. While the vast American public must fend for itself, Congress and their staff are to be excluded from the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The article correctly stated that an amendment to ACA did INCLUDE Congress and staff, but now another administration decision will IGNORE the law and EXCLUDE the lawmakers and their staffs. The supposed reason is that “the best and brightest might flee Capitol Hill.”

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said her staff told her “there could be a problem with brain drain.” Maybe Pelosi should have read the bill before she passed it.

Perhaps the ACA is not a law at all but just a menu of items to be laid on the public at the whim of the administration.

How can we trust the administration and Congress when their primary objective is to “take care” of themselves rather than to “take care” of the people they represent?

All things considered, perhaps a “brain drain” is needed to get our government back to representing ALL the people instead of protecting their own power and benefits.

That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

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