Monday, September 9, 2013

Feds Sue Texas

In addition to big boots, big hair and big hearts, Texas has a new distinction – defendant in a law suit filed by the Justice Department.

Texas plans to implement a strict voter law that requires adults to present government-issued identification before voting. We have millions of foreign visitors to our state. We question their right to help determine our policies.

We know that the Constitution guarantees people the right to vote. But an ID is required to buy a car, board a plane, get a credit card or receive a driver’s license – surely voting is of greater importance than these transactions.

The Voting Right Acts, which still exists in a weakened form, requires Justice Department approval for nine states, including Texas, to receive pre-clearance before they can change any voting practice. It can cover anything from buying new voter machines to shifting district boundaries. Is this discrimination?

Attorney General Eric Holder says, “We will keep fighting aggressively to prevent voter disenfranchisement.”

Governor Rick Perry dismisses the federal action as “endless litigation in an effort to obstruct the will of the people of Texas.”

The Feds view the Texas voter law as discriminatory. Texans see it as good common sense.

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