Friday, January 23, 2015


Don't expect Texas' ex-governor, Rick Perry, to drift quietly into obscurity.

The boy from the cotton fields of Haskell County, who set an unprecedented 14-year tenure as governor, has miles to go before he sleeps. His legacy of limited regulation, low taxes and business-friendly policies, which boosted the state's economic health during periods of uncertainty, will always be remembered. Under his leadership, scores of businesses moved into Texas, diversifying the economy and supplying decent-paying jobs to millions of Texans. Perry's love of and dedication to Texas are unquestioned.

His laser-like focus on economic growth was occasionally distracted by confrontation with the federal government over environmental regulations and immigration. His characteristic swagger and conservative views often eclipsed his ability to appear thoughtful. But in his departing speech, Perry said, "There is room for different voices, for disagreement. Compromise is not a dirty word if it moves Texas forward." He asked Texans "to dream boldly, to act boldly, to live boldly."

Rick Perry has learned many lessons during his governorship -- lessons he may apply to his own political future.  His future is unknown, but this is farewell, not goodbye.

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