Friday, January 30, 2015


That's the price tag for the Inauguration shindig in Austin when Greg Abbott accepted the governor's reins from Rick Perry. Folks in my area who attended are still talking about it.

Eddie Deen and his crew fed about 17,000 people after the inaugural festivities. This was Deen's sixth inauguration in a row, and the past experience came in handy as he and his staff prepared about 4 tons (8,000 pounds) of beef brisket, 170 gallons of barbeque sauce, 17,000 yeast rolls, 4,500 pounds of potato salad, 340 gallons of beans and 2,500 pounds of coleslaw. Also there was 1 ton of smoked chicken and 1,700 pies - half chocolate buttermilk and half vanilla buttermilk.

A crew of 150, which included 50 students from Carter High School in Dallas and 50 employees from the Travis County Sheriff's Department, served the food in about one hour. The servings were generous and the cost was $10.00 per person. All leftovers were taken to the homeless shelter in Austin.

Deen, from Terrell, Texas, has served his barbeque to tens of thousands including presidents, Olympians and Texans. "It's a lot of responsibility," he says. "But if you set the stage, it will unfold, and it's just a beautiful thing."

The tab was picked up by the taxpayers in Texas, but they believe they got their money's worth.

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