Saturday, May 10, 2014

Essentiall to Life

For me, reading is not an option – it is as necessary to living as air and water.

My first book was a Christmas gift from Mrs. Gardner, my second grade teacher. I treasured it always, and it remains safe in the cedar chest. This gift triggered a response that lasted throughout my life. From Christmas at age seven to the present day, I read. I’ve been known to read Progressive Farmer, Wall Street Journal and Ranch Romance if no other printed word was available.

As a general rule, I’ve always selected books according to author rather than title. Then I read every book written by that author. The early writers included Louisa Mae Alcott, Zane Grey, Mark Twain and Carolyn Keene. Later I read Agatha Christie, Ernest Hemingway and Louis L’Amour. In addition to my choices, I read every book on the school required list and happily gave book reports.

As a young married woman, I discovered Victoria Holt, Phyllis A. Whitney, Mary Stewart and Barbara Michaels. My heart pounded through every word written by Mary Higgins Clark. Over the years, I read Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind six times. With maturity came Willa Cather, Beryl Markham, James McBride, W. Somerset Maugham and Sue Monk Kidd.

In later years, I’ve read every book by Patricia Cromwell (even the ones I do not like), Anne McCaffrey, Jean M. Auel and Diana Gabaldon. I eagerly await Gabaldon’s next book due out in July.

Of course, we all require different genres and different writers at various times of our lives. Sometimes I read to expand my boundaries, to enrich my mind or to replenish my soul. But those books are not listed here – only the ones I read for sheer pleasure and escape made today’s list. In the category of absolute, life-time favorites stand Anne Perry and Dick Francis. I own every book they’ve ever written, and I grieved when learning of the death of Dick Francis. How sad to know he will never write another.

In future blog entries, I’ll discuss new authors I’ve tried and make recommendations. I’ll also have suggestions about ones to avoid. Book selection is a highly personal choice, and we all have definite opinions as to good and bad. But I will offer my mine -- take it or leave it.

So turn off the TV, find a comfortable chair with a good reading lamp, lift up your Kindle and READ.

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