Thursday, August 15, 2013

Influence of the Famous
Time Magazine has named its 2013 list of the 100 Most Influential People in the World. Of  the 100 named, I’m personally influenced by about 25. The list ranges from Barrack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, to Bassem Youssef, the John Stewart of Egypt. Scattered between them are Pope Francis, Kim Jong Un, Stephen Spielberg, Kate Middleton and Gabrielle Giffords.

In sports there is Lebron James; in entertainment Lady Gaga and Beyonce.

Rand Paul, a rebel GOP voice of reason, is listed first in the leaders category that also lists Joe Biden, Elena Kagan and Chris Christie.

Repeat dignitaries of influence and power are Bill Gates, Oprah and Hillary Clinton.

The influence of Barrack Hussein Obama is felt and will be felt by every resident alien and America citizen, including me, for decades. I am grateful for Stephen Spielberg‘s talent. My interest is piqued by both Kate Middleton and Gabrielle Giffords but for very different reasons.

Lebron James, Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Oprah influence me not at all. Nor do Joe Biden, Elena Kagan and Chris Christie at this time.

I’m interested in Rand Paul and may feel his influence in the future. To date, I’ve experienced no direct influence from Hillary Clinton, although I do have opinions.

Every time I sit at my computer, I’m gratefully influenced by Bill Gates. And I admire his philanthropic work.

Who influences you most in 2013?

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