Monday, June 1, 2015


The King of the castle is sick - long live the King.

To say my husband is ill is the understatement of the year. Over the past  five months, we've been frequent visitors to our local hospital. We had four trips to the ER - one by ambulance with flashing lights and screaming sirens. We hit every pothole and ran every red light in order to arrive in time. We've had two trips to the cardio/vascular department. The King has had a heart catheterization, worn a portable heart monitor and had a defibrillator implanted in his chest. He progressed (or regressed) from ingesting zero drug prescriptions to a total of seven.

With the heart problems under control, a semblance of order began to return to our lives. Then the other shoe dropped.

The King developed a pinched sciatic nerve. The unrelenting pain drove us to the ER once more. Standard pain meds were  ineffective.  Our primary care giver sent us to a center for spinal disorders where we received a glimmer of hope. The surgeon knew a procedure that might free the nerve from pressure and stop the pain. Eureka!  The downside is that the prescription meds soared to nine.  

We continue in a holding pattern - holding for approval to receive a myelogram - holding while the surgeon reviews the results - holding for his decision to operate or not - holding for a surgery date and location.

Meanwhile I'm dealing with chores and emergencies that the King would ordinarily handle. Things like lawn and garden care, automotive service, storm-damaged trees, a large swarm of honey bees all fall under my jurisdiction. And I'm unprepared!

Get well soon, King!! You're burning daylight!

Today's quote:
The surest way to destroy a man is to pay him to do nothing. ~ Anne Fortier

1 comment:

  1. Feel better King and take care of yourself Pat! Love you!
