Monday, March 30, 2015


It's been almost 180 years since the historic battle at the Alamo that led to Texas' independence from Mexico.

Another sad battle has been brewing since the Texas General Land Office took control of our No. 1 tourist attraction from the Daughters of the Republic of Texas (DRT). The Daughters were the sole custodians for 107 years.  During that time, 30,000 artifacts, books and papers were given to or purchased by the Daughters.

In 2011, ownership of the old Spanish mission changed to state possession with the DRT continuing to handle day-to-day-operations. That arrangement ended this month when new Land Commissioner George P. Bush decided it was time to sever all ties with the group.

At issue now is the extensive library and displays that the DRT say they own but that the state is now claiming. Many of these items were donated by the Daughters' own ancestors. Now the DRT has drawn a line in the sand. They have filed suit, saying the move by the state is an unconstitutional seizure of private property.

This schism among people who love Texas and her history is unfortunate for the Alamo and Texas. Surely there can be a mediation process by an independent person or committee who can help decide which property belongs to the DRT and which is owned by the state.

Remember the Alamo! 

Today's quote:

I am not afraid of an army of lions led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion. ~ Alexander the Great 

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