Monday, August 11, 2014

“Crazy Water” is Booming Again

Twenty miles down the road from our home is Mineral Wells, a town made famous in 1904 by a highly mineralized spring whose waters have healing powers.

In the early years, Mineral Wells was a happening place. People came by the thousands, motoring in, arriving by wagon or in droves by rail. Health seekers, politicians, A-list movie stars, rich cattlemen and the curious – they all came to the “City Built on Water.” They could stay at the elegant, “high-rise” Baker Hotel featuring dining and dancing along with the beneficial waters. As interest in Botox, collagen, and the Adkins diet increased, the restorative powers of Crazy Water waned.

Then in 1999, Scott and Carol Elder purchased the Famous Mineral Water Company and brought new life to Crazy Water. They spent the next few years reintroducing the once nationally known waters locally and regionally. They kept the historic part of it going and enhanced and built on the heritage/tourism aspect, always remembering their dream for a bathhouse.

The bottled mineral water is now sold in Whole Food stores, Central Market and Albertsons with Kroger coming on board soon. With the bottled product thriving, The Elders focused on the longed-for Crazy Bath House which is now a reality. They kept the turn-of-the-century look and feel, appointing the house with period pieces that help create the experience of an old- fashioned, take-a-load-off soak in mineral water. Patrons can schedule mineral bath treatments during the day or stay overnight in the guest rooms with private mineral baths. The Crazy Bath House also offers a Micro Bubble Tub. The bubbly apparatus injects countless oxygen-rich micro bubbles into the bath, resulting in natural cleansing, exfoliation and moisturizing of the skin. A number of massage techniques and services are also available.

Once again, things are good down at the well. If your Rhumatiz or Arthur-itis is acting up, take the long “Crazy” road to the bathhouse.

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