Monday, July 14, 2014

Book Review: Written In My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon

It’s hard to believe that the author of this book also wrote Outlander.

Outlander poured out in a seamless, riveting flow, whereas Own Heart’s Blood seems forced, contrived and disjointed. We are left to drown in descriptive detail of every leaf and twig between Philadelphia and Valley Forge. It is a good story, however. And I read every word. We again meet Claire Randall, who stepped through the standing stones on a hill in Scotland in 1945 and arrived in the same spot in the year 1743. Soon she meets and marries a young Scots warrior, James Fraser. Own Heart’s Blood focuses on Claire and Jamie in 1778 in Philadelphia, USA as the War for Independence rages. Their lives continue in this eighth book of the series. The dear characters from previous books, such as Fergus, Brianna, Roger, Jem and Mandy, Ian and Jenny plus a minimum of 100 new ones keeps one entertained and engaged. I was happy to see Clarence the mule and Rollo the dog still alive and functioning.

We are exposed to the plots and intrigues of both the Loyalists army and the Continental forces. Of course, Jamie and his nephew, Ian, fight for the cause of freedom, while Jamie’s illegitimate son, William, is an officer for the British.

In addition to the horrors of war, there are weddings, births, preparation of food, descriptions of clothing and uniforms, and extreme situations of healing performed by Claire. Overcoming impossible odds, the entire flock of Frasers and friends return to their homestead in North Carolina in a most satisfying ending to the book.

I do wholeheartedly recommend this book. However, DO NOT read it as the first in the series. Your senses would be totally overwhelmed, crushed and blown away. The sheer volume of 850 pages of words boggles the mind. Ideally these books should be read in chronological order beginning with Outlander.

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