Sunday, April 20, 2014

Pass the Pigskin

Recently at a family gathering, I mentioned that the Dallas Cowboys are my favorite NFL team.

When the laughter abated, the ridicule began. Finally, we all agreed that even though we cheered for different teams, we were united in love for the game.

Perhaps part of that appreciation is due to the dedication of Paul Cunningham of Leather Head Sports in Glen Rock, NJ. Using a utility knife and a steel template, Cunningham cuts four identical panels, which he’ll stitch together to create what he considers the perfect football - blending both function and art.
“Symmetry is vital so the ball doesn’t wobble,” he says. “Ultimately, I want a ball that has a lot of sensory appeal. It should look beautiful, feel supple and have a warm, enticing leather aroma.”

Passionate about both sports and leather craftsmanship, Cunningham creates custom-made baseballs, basketballs, footballs, rugby balls and medicine balls for people who appreciate ruggedly beautiful sports equipment. Footballs, however, are his top-sellers, and he sells thousands of them each year.

It takes Cunningham about 35 minutes to create a Leather Head football – from cutting and stitching together the leather panels and pumping air into the internal rubber bladder that gives the ball its shape.

“Paul’s sport balls are like museum pieces, but you can play with them,” says one retailer. “You do pay extra, but the craftsmanship is excellent.”

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