Tuesday, December 3, 2013

And The Earth Shook

As a cold, icy rain hit my area overnight, so did another earthquake.

Between November 1 and November 27, 15 quakes have hit North Texas and 14 of those have been in my home county. They ranged in magnitude from 2.6 to 3.6. Nineteen people reported to the U. S. Geological Survey that they felt “weak” to “light” shaking. A few reported that pictures fell from walls, windows rattled, and one reported cracks in the sheetrock. Most of the shaking has been in the early morning hours, and many complained of interrupted sleep. Geophysicists have said that it takes a 4.5 to 5.0 magnitude earthquake to cause damage.

Luckily for my home town, we have felt nothing. All the seismic activity has been in the northeastern part of the county, some 20 or so miles away from our home.

In barber shops, coffee houses and beauty salons, all the patrons say they know the cause of these quakes – it’s the hydraulic fracturing (fracking) of the oil and gas wells in the vicinity.

Fact 1. There is extensive fracking in the area.

Fact 2. No definitive data exists to prove the claim.

In the interim, owners removed cherished pictures from the walls to the backs of closets, packed Granny’s priceless china and crystal from the china cabinet into sturdy boxes, and got on with the business of life. Folks here are far too busy to be concerned about a few minor earthquakes.

But there’s a whole lot of shakin’ going on!

Thought for the day:
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. - Thomas Jefferson

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