Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Menopause The Musical

Does the crazy weather stress you out? Are you worried about Obamacare? Or the high cost of groceries? Then go to a stage near you and see this delightful production.

Last Friday evening 24 Methodist ladies (and 2 brave gentlemen) boarded church buses and headed for the city. We all needed a night of fine dining (Furr’s Cafeteria) and Broadway entertainment (Bass Performance Hall). And we got more than we bargained for.

First we dined with the entire football team from Abilene Christian University on their way to a game on Saturday. About 100 clean, well-dressed, friendly and polite (and HUGE) young men filled the room with testosterone.

Next we entered an auditorium ruled by estrogen and the hilarity began. From the opening number of “Change, Change, Change” on to “I’m Having a Hot Flash” to a rousing finale celebrating women and their ability to overcome anything, we were entertained beyond expectation. My sides still ache from laughing.

Set on various floors of Bloomingdale’s, four extremely talented and perfectly cast women swept us along with no intermission through their deepest anxieties and frustrations, which just happened to be our own.

This highly personal and often taboo subject was explored without vulgarity or coarseness, but with acceptance, humor and the attitude of “It is what it is! Deal with it.”

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